What do I do when my son learns phrases in school that he's not allowed to say at home? How do I teach my daughter caution but not fear? How do I teach my daughter about gratitude when she believes she is entitled to a cell phone and a laptop and everything else that not only she wants, but that all of the kids around her already have?
The Back Door To Your Teen's Heart: Learning What They Need and Helping Thiem Find It
Raising Girls
Raising Boys and Girls Blog
Raising Boys and Girls: The Art of Understanding the Differences
Parents, grandparents, church volunteers, and other caregivers of children from preschool to high school can learn to better connect with their kids. As adults understand the differences in girls and boys, they can learn to use tools that will help them communicate, understand, and connect with kids of all ages.
Intentional Parenting: Auto Pilot is for Planes
Raising a Modern-Day Joseph
Imagine this scenario for a typical teenager in your church: He's separated from his family and sent to live in a hedonistic, no-holds-barred culture. He's stripped of his spiritual support, left alone, and treated unfairly. Then, at his most vulnerable point, his ego is stoked with power and success. Throughout this rollercoaster ride, would he continue to serve God?
Dating Like Airplanes
CoParenting International.net
The goal at Parenting Gamers it to equip you with all the information you need to connect with your gamer through video games. This includes information about how to evaluate games, breakdowns of the big games on the market, information about games to help you learn how to play, and definitions of gamer vocabulary words.
Top 10 Things Kids Wish They Could Say To Their Divorced Parents
Birth Order Guy.com - Kevin Leman
So many of today’s parents are (or feel) clueless about what to do when they’re thrown a curveball. Men don’t understand women (complicated “everything sticks to them like Velcro” creatures that they are), and women think men are as dumb as mud (well, maybe we are sometimes but a little attention and we’ll perform for you like baby seals), so that keeps a guy like me busy! I have the privilege of speaking all over the world, entertaining audiences with my baby-of-the-family wit and commonsense psychology. I’d love to be a part of your world, too. This website is designed to be a rich resource of FUN and practical help for you and your family.