10:30am on Sunday Mornings
Sunday Morning can be about many things, but at Sunnyview it is about responding to the presence of God. For some it is about knowing the Salvation that comes through Jesus. For others it is knowing the healing that comes from walking in relationship to the love, power and grace that are gifts of Jesus in a new life. One thing is for certain, “Jesus came to give us life and to give it abundantly” (John 10:10) and we are all in the process of living this new life.
On Sunday we gather to worship and praise a God who has called us out of darkness and to walk in a life of light just as He is in the light (1 John 1:7). So if you are just figuring out it is possible to walk with God or maybe your life continues to be renewed because you have been walking in the light with an All Mighty God. We gather on Sunday to love and worship an Almighty God and to encourage and love each other (Matthew 22:36-40) just as God has loved us (1 John 4:19).
On Sunday, we want to focus on three things:
• Commitment: To a new life in relationship to God as reveled in Scripture
• Growth: In understanding God’s word and how it relates to living a new life with each other
• Service: A new life of following the example of Jesus by serving others