Quick Answers to Your Biggest Questions


What kind of church are you?

Sunnyview is an independent Christian church. Our church is made up of less-than-perfect people of all ages and backgrounds who believe that following Jesus is more of an adventure to be lived than a ritual to be observed. This is a place for those looking for answers to their spiritual questions as well as for those who want to learn and be encouraged in their spiritual growth.

Where in Oshkosh are you?

Sunnyview Christian Church is located just north of Oshkosh at 175 E. County Road Y near Hwy. 76, across the street from the fairgrounds near the north entrance of Winnebago County Park. You can get a map that will show you how to get here on our Find Us page.

What DO I Wear?

Clothes are mandatory! Some people at Sunnyview dress up while others prefer a casual and comfortable approach. We care more that you're here, than what you wear.

Where do I go?

Once you have turned into the driveway you'll find a large parking lot behind the church. If you'd like to drop off passengers at the door first because of poor weather or disability, you may drive up to the front entrance under the protective canopy. There are several entrances to the church and all will lead to the Welcome Center. The main sanctuary is on the northeast end of the building. Please stop by our Welcome Center in the lobby if you have any questions.

What about my kids?

Children are an important part of Sunnyview and their safety and well-being is essential. The Nursery is available just off the main lobby and is for children birth to 3. Children's Sunday School classes start at 9:15 am and meet at the same time as the adult Sunday School classes. During the service just after the offering, kids aged 3-9 may go out for Junior Worship and return before the end of the service. Parents are always welcome to observe any of our children's groups. 

What are worship services like?

Sunnyview has a warm, welcoming family atmosphere and our services focus on our relationship with Jesus Christ. We'll share some quick announcements, greet one another, express our hearts to God through music, communion, and offering, and hear a message from God's Word. The music is contemporary, traditional, or blended depending on which Sunday you're here, and the words are projected on a screen in front to help you follow along. The messages are biblically based and practical. If you're visiting for the first time please go to the Welcome Center for a Welcome package and fill out a visitor card. At no time will a visitor be singled out and embarrassed. Before and after the service the lobby and fellowship area is a great place to talk with people you've met and grab a cup of coffee.

How long is the service?

Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:30 am and is usually over by 11:45.

Is the church wheelchair accessible?

Yes. We have no stairs or other obstacles to wheelchair access.

Whether you are a long time resident or just visiting, we invite you to join us!