In the community of Israel, children were raised exclusively by women. It was their place in society to bring up the children until they were ready to enter the workforce (for boys) or get married (for girls)
I don’t know this first hand, but I communicate with many on a regular basis and it is a common thread in each conversation. There is a new challenge every day and sometimes it can feel like trying to move an un-movable wall. Or at least a wall that pushes back.
September should be known as Back-to-Church season. With school in session once again most people are done with their summer vacations, bracing themselves for the work that is in front of them. We are prepared for the school year and the work season, aiming for high achievements.
Over the past year and a half, many of the students in the youth group have been in active mentorships with adults in the church. They have recognized a need for spiritual growth in their lives and have partnered with mature adults within Sunnyview to challenge them and help them to grow.
This month, the Sunnyview Youth will be making the trek to Wisconsin Dells for the Wisconsin Christian Teen Convention. This is a transformational time of worship, challenging messages, group development and fellowship with other Christian teens from around the state.
This month, the youth group will begin to hear an important question: how are you going to contribute to the change that God is trying to do in this world?