Ministry Moment

Youth and the Kingdom of God

Youth and the Kingdom of God

In the community of Israel, children were raised exclusively by women. It was their place in society to bring up the children until they were ready to enter the workforce (for boys) or get married (for girls)

We Have Resources for Parents!

We Have Resources for Parents!

Parenting is hard.

I don’t know this first hand, but I communicate with many on a regular basis and it is a common thread in each conversation. There is a new challenge every day and sometimes it can feel like trying to move an un-movable wall. Or at least a wall that pushes back.



September should be known as Back-to-Church season. With school in session once again most people are done with their summer vacations, bracing themselves for the work that is in front of them. We are prepared for the school year and the work season, aiming for high achievements.

Life in Jesus is What We are Called To

Life in Jesus is What We are Called To

I love this time of year, when life begins to emerge out of its lifeless status. Brown turns to green and green turns to vibrant colors of Spring. God provides warmer temperatures and the tempo of life begins to beat a little faster and people begin to emerge from winter hibernation. I realize that Spring happens every year and it has happened for a long, long time, but we need to be reminded of the emergence of life within us, because God created us to live with Him.

Greater Expectations

Greater Expectations

For the last few weeks, I have been reading a couple of books in preparation for what we will be teaching for the 7th-8th grade week at camp: “Do Hard Things” and “Start Here” by Alex Harris and Brett Harris. In their teens, Brett and Alex started the Rebelution, a movement for today’s teens to rebel against low expectations

We Must Remember

We Must Remember

Nested between two celebrations, Palm Sunday and Easter, was a day of devastation. The day was Friday when Jesus was arrested, tried and sentenced to be crucified. A day that would be the center point of the Christian Life.  But it seems out of line and a little twisted to be celebrating the horror of a crucifixion; I think that is the point, the celebration comes before and after the crucifixion; we are called to remember a horrific day in order to fully celebrate the day of Easter.

Seeing A Great God

Seeing A Great God

I love the way Scripture describes the People of God: we are living rocks (1 Peter 2:5)…that explains a lot, a temple in which the Holy Spirit dwells (Ephesians 2:22), we are the resurrected body of Christ (Colossians 1:18), we are the branches of the vine that bear fruit (John 15:5ff). These are but a few of the images that describe the relationship between God and His People.

Beyond Entertainment

Beyond Entertainment

This month, the Sunnyview Youth will be making the trek to Wisconsin Dells for the Wisconsin Christian Teen Convention. This is a transformational time of worship, challenging messages, group development and fellowship with other Christian teens from around the state.